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Art Market Budapest / LISZT ÜNNEP 2021

Art Market Budapest / LISZT ÜNNEP 2021

International contemporary art fair

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Last event date: Sunday, October 10 2021 9:00PM

Highlighted events:

8–10 October | Bálna Budapest

Inside Art

An international conference on art


8–10 October | Bálna Budapest

New Visegrad Photography

Photography from the Art Universities of the V4 Countries


The Art Market Budapest, the most important international contemporary art fair in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Hungary’s largest art exhibition, will open its doors for the eleventh time in October 2021. Visited by tens of thousands every year, the event now hosts some 120 exhibitors from almost thirty countries, showing and offering for sale thousands of works by more than 500 artists, occupying about 7000 square metres in Bálna Budapest.

There will be countless side events, of which Art Photo Budapest, the only international photography fair of Central and Eastern Europe, Inside Art, an international conference on art, and New Visegrad Photography, an exhibition, will also be held at Bálna Budapest.

Though the offering of the Art Market Budapest is wide and varied, there will be a special focus on art from Central Europe, and in particular the Visegrad Countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia). There will be further exhibitions and event series at other venues to make up an entire festival, Visegrad Contemporary.

This event of the Liszt Fest is jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and Art Today Kft.


Our offer

Wandering Gypsies leading adventurous lives and gallant yet ridiculous nobles abusing their power are the main characters of the animated film Szaffi. This adaptation of Mór Jókai's classic novel The Gypsy Baron is by now familiar to several generations of Hungarians.

A házibulik legjobb helyszínéről elnevezett tizenöt éves Konyha fokozatosan vált mára tömegeket megszólító zenekarrá. Ez az este kiszakadás lesz a folyamatos pörgésből: intim, történetmesélős koncert, visszatérés ahhoz a bizonyos konyhaasztalhoz, ahol minden elkezdődött.

Fennállásának tíz éve alatt az ék a magyar underground egyik meghatározó formációjává nőtte ki magát. A kvartett elemi erejű hangzásának, dinamikus és improvizatív játékának kulcsa a tagok alkímiájában rejlik.


Hogy mi jut eszünkbe a cseh gasztronómiáról? Ne legyünk szemérmesek, természetesen a sör. No meg a mellé kínált knédlik, tekintélyes…

Pursuing happiness, love and affection through countless adventures across this great wide world, but still eventually finding a final peace…

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