Esterházy Péter – Vajda Gergely: Fuharosok / George Benjamin: Into the Little Hill/ LISZT ÜNNEP 2021
Performance by the UMZE Chamber Ensemble and Forte Company
Performance by the UMZE Chamber Ensemble and Forte Company
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Last event date: Thursday, October 21 2021 7:00PM
Performed by: Nóra Földeáki, Barnabás Horkay, Katalin Károlyi, Anna Molnár, Márton Pallag, Esther-Elisabeth Rispens, Kristóf Widder
Featuring: UMZE Chamber Ensemble
Conductor: Gergely Vajda
Set: Zoltán Kalászi, Kristóf Kiss-Benedek
Costumes: Mari Benedek
Assistant to the director: Gréta Garádi
Choreographer, director: Csaba Horváth
“My work is an opera in the way Esterházy’s is a novel,” said Gergely Vajda about the piece he composed for a mezzo-soprano and a chamber ensemble, and based on Péter Esterházy’s short story, Fuharosok. Premiered at a concert in March 2020, this mono-concert-opera did indeed lay claim to a peculiar position among the genres, with its dramatic-theatrical character unfolding in the manner of ballads. This balladic mode of storytelling is what constitutes a natural link between the one-act pieces of the world-famous British composer George Benjamin and Vajda. Benjamin’s work is based on the tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, and it also relates the story in the manner of a ballad. The well-known parable, which dates back to the 13th century and can be interpreted as a metaphor for the death of children, is rendered by a soprano and a mezzo-soprano, who play several characters. In Vajda’s opera, Esterházy’s story of the rape of a young girl is told by a single singer, although in three roles.
The performance is not recommended for audiences under the age of 18.
Talán kevesen lepődnek meg azon, hogy Szerb Antal filozofikus, sokrétű szövegvilága időről időre megszólítja a nyitott és elhivatott művészeket, arra késztetve őket, hogy alkotóként elmerüljenek benne, a tapasztaltakat megosszák, elérhetővé tegyék a szélesebb közönség számára.
A Székely gate is a symbol of ancient power, faith, hope, belonging to God, a channel of communication between heaven and earth. Its three posts represent the unity of body, soul and spirit, and its carvings are symbols that render protection, grace and blessing.
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