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Too Hungarian to Be Italian, too Italian to Be Hungarian – Giorgio Fekete’s favourite Italian songs

Too Hungarian to Be Italian, too Italian to Be Hungarian – Giorgio Fekete’s favourite Italian songs

Giorgio Fekete, Carson Coma’s half-Italian, half-Hungarian frontman, is about to make an old dream come true:

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Last event date: Friday, January 03 2025 8:00PM

for the first time in his life, he will perform his favourite Italian songs as part of a full-length, big-band concert. The programme will feature well-known Italian dance tracks and rock hits from the 1960s and 1970s, alongside other compositions that simply have to feature thanks to their musicality and/or because of their important role or memory from Giorgio’s life. The line-up – put together especially for this concert – will feature members of Carson Coma (Péter Gaál, Attila Jónás, Bálint Kun), enhanced with string and wind sections, and with Blahalouisiana’s Gábor Jancsó as musical director and orchestrator.

vocals - Agata Angilella
vocals, guitar - Giorgio Fekete
percussion instruments - Péter Gaál
instrumentation, guitar - Gábor Jancsó
bass guitar - Attila Jónás
piano, keyboard instruments - Bálint Kun
drums - Vincenzo Pellecchia
vocals - Lucas Palmira Várhegyi

Presented by: Müpa Budapest
Photo: Botond Wertan

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The Modern Art Orchestra (MAO), which has always paid special attention to its contemporaries, has compiled a selection of iconic works from these composers.

The programme for the evening gala includes a wide range of performers, ranging from Branka Básits and Sára Tímár to the Mihály Borbély Band and from Magyar Banda to Kanizsa Csillagai and MORDÁI. Serving as the host for the evening will be Gábor Eredics from the legendary ensemble Vujicsics.


Bach csellószvitjei egytől egyig fület gyönyörködtető zeneművek, ugyanakkor zenetörténeti szerepük sem elhanyagolható. Ezek a nagy jelentőségű kompozíciók mérföldkövek a csellóirodalom…

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