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By finding creative uses for everyday items, such as towels, scarves, clothes pegs, buttons and wooden blocks, Zsuzsanna Tóth Hegedűs, an instructor at the ELTE Faculty of Teacher Training and Childcare, gives new meaning to routine activities like getting dressed, bathing and hanging clothes up to dry through songs and rhymes.
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
The final Met broadcast of the 2024/25 season revisits Bartlett Sher's sparklingly alive Rossini production, this time conducted by Giacomo…
Várallyay Petra ritka tünemény. Szólófellépéseivel koncerttermeket tölt meg, emellett érzékeny, értő zenei párbeszédet folytat rendszeres vagy alkalmi muzsikustársaival, sőt akár…
A 16-year-old oriental princess with the voice of an Isolde: this was the perfectionist expectation Richard Strauss set for anyone…
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